Online tools I’m still using as a freelance illustrator

Cinyee Chiu
7 min readJun 26, 2019

I’ve worked as a freelance illustrator for 3 years this summer. From having no clients and no experience, to having many different types of case done, there are some online tools I think it’s very useful and I’m still using now. I want to share with you!

First, visual tools for illustrators


This is basic, you English-using people should know. I just listed it here in the Chinese version because I realized not everyone knows Pinterest in Taiwan.

Great for inspiration, I usually spend way more time on Pinterest than on Facebook or Instagram


While Pinterest is for collecting inspirations, when I’m working on a project, I use Padlet to organize my visual thoughts. Padlet is a true online mood board. Not just images, you can also put texts and arrange each piece in the way you want. This is something Pinterest cannot do.

Thoughts for ideal room. I put notes with the images and arrange them in sections. With Pinterest I can’t do this.

